Il Castello di Tomar e il Convento di Cristo. La storia e il tempo presente


  • Alvaro Barbosa Università Cattolica Portoghese



The Monumental group of the Templar Castle and Convent of Christ at Tomar, still preserves in his architecture and landscape the seven centuries of Portuguese History and European Culture. In the last 20 years the changes that occurred on Portuguese society had also reflection in this historical and architectural heritage: in addition to the departure of institutions who dwelled here, the civil society also began looking at the monument in a new way. Found between history and present time, the cultural life that took place in these old buildings testifies the changes that happened in these last 20 years. A new vision, both cultural and scientific, tries to apply new technologies, such as CAD and digital modelling, in order to create innovative tools for conservation and management of this Cultural Heritage.

How to Cite

Barbosa, A. (2008). Il Castello di Tomar e il Convento di Cristo. La storia e il tempo presente. DISEGNARECON, 1(2).