Interactive media platform for knowledge and preservation of environmental and architectural heritage in the Mediterranean area, with particular reference to the Maghreb region.


  • Domenico Tosto Università degli studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria



Today the system of global communication is the most important information tool. Inside are and will be provided numerous application areas, among them certainly occupies a place of great importance to safeguard cultural heritage. Interaction between cultural and new technologies, surely, will create many opportunities in conservation, ommunication and economic development for what concerns the rich historical and artistic heritage in the Mediterranean area. The Mediterranean basin, and particularly the area of the Maghreb have a vast repertoire of useful cases to test survey methods, theories and techniques for understanding, recovery and preservation of architectural works of significant historical and cultural importance. The term Maghreb (Arabic for “West”) identifies the region of North Africa that includes Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt.

How to Cite

Tosto, D. (2010). Interactive media platform for knowledge and preservation of environmental and architectural heritage in the Mediterranean area, with particular reference to the Maghreb region. DISEGNARECON, 3(6), 105–110.