Architectural survey and documentation for the conservation of historic urban centre. The case study of L'Aquila after the earthquake of 2009
architectural surveying, documentation, conservation, historical cityAbstract
The Seminar is part of the activities of the Research of National Interest MIUR PRIN 2008 financed by Italian Ministry for Education University and Research, titled “Complex models for architectural and urban heritage”, with the participation of five research units of Italian universities. Naturally the research unit of L’Aquila University has studied the historical centre of L’Aquila, hit by the seismic event of April 6, 2009. It includes, in its 168 hectares, an architectural and artistic heritage of great value. Three and a half years after the event, the intervention strategy made by authorities still can not give concrete solutions. Therefore it’s necessary to design a Conservation Project of the historical centre, with the aim of a proper formal and figurative re-composition, and of a coordination of individual interventions. The Project have to be based on buildings’ and historical city’s broad and organic knowledge system.
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