Between digital art and illusion


  • Daniele Calisi Università Roma Tre



Digital drawing, tablet, smartphone


For many centuries the only art available to men, whose have always tried to be able to impart on some surface the images of their “visions”, was the drawing. The analogic photography (despised initially by the canonic artists) was already a major revolution in the science of representation, however the advent of digital photography has radically altered not only the latter but also the society itself, through a terrific production of images and the possibility of sharing, in real time, on social networks. The very act of drawing today has countless different expressiveness that reflect current technologies. The introduction of tablet and smartphones, and proper applications, allows today to put aside paper and instruments of the art, for beeing projected in a total digital context.


Newhall, Beaumont (1984), Storia della fotografia, Einaudi, 452 p. e ill.

Freund, Gisele (2007), Fotografia e Società, Einaudi, 184 pp. e ill.

Clarke, Graham (2009), Fotografia. Una storia culturale e visuale, Einaudi, 281 p. e ill..

Güntert, André, Poivert, Michel (2008), Storia della fotografia, Mondadori Electa, 619 p. e ill.

Stieglitz, Alfred (2008), Camera Work The Complete Photographs 1903 1917, Taschen Colonia, 552 p. e ill.

Roberts, Pamela (a cura di) (2009) Camera work. L’opera fotografica di Stieglitz, Steichen e Strand tra Europa e America, Alinari, Firenze, 143 p. e ill.

Alhazen Ibn al Haitham, Abu Alì Mohammed (965 – 1039), Ottica, Traduzione inglese a cura di D. C. Lindberg, New York, 1972

Lindberg, David C. (1996), Theories of Vision from All-Kindi to Kepler, Univ of Chicago Pr, Chicago, 336 p.

Il Codice Hammer di Leonardo da Vinci. Le acque, la terra, l’universo. Introduzione di Carlo Pedretti (1982), Giunti Barbera, Firenze, catalogo a cura di Jane Robertz, Palazzo Vecchio

Pieroni, Augusto (2006), Leggere la fotografia. Osservazione e analisi delle immagini fotografiche, EdUP, 310 p.

Pieroni, Augusto (2010), Arti fotografiche del ‘900, Editori Riuniti Univ. Press, 276 p.

Barthes, Roland (2003), La camera chiara. Nota sulla fotografia, Einaudi, 130 p.

Hubert Blanz,

David Hockney,

Michael Christopher Brown,

Benjamin Lowy,




How to Cite

Calisi, D. (2013). Between digital art and illusion. DISEGNARECON, 6(12), V / 1–12.