Survey of absence. The use of photographic data for the survey of temporary art exhibitions.


  • Matteo Ballarin IUAV, Venezia



photo-modeling, raster images, art exhibitions


Modern Art Exhibitions succeeded in conveying long-lasting ideas and meanings despite their ephemeral nature. Art history and Museum studies recently started to focus on the Exhibition as a medium, requiring precise graphic reconstructions of exhibit designs for critical and theoretical purposes. Exhibitions were rarely designed through graphic devices such as the project; they were usually a result of improvisation processes. In this sense, photographs are the only documents for graphic reconstructions of temporary art spaces. Nevertheless, the photographic datum has been over-edited in its span of life for more than one reason: it requires a critical approach to be used as a source. The use of digital tools for photography can lead to satisfactory results when applied to humanities.


Altshuler, Bruce (1994), Avant Garde in Exhibition, Harry N. Abrams, New York.

Altshuler, Bruce (a cura di), (2008), Salon to Biennial: Exhibitions that Made Art History: 1863–1959, Phaidon Press, Londra.

Altshuler, Bruce (a cura di), (2013), Biennials and Beyond. Exhibitions That Made Art History: 1962-2002, Phaidon Press, Londra.

Ballarin, Matteo, Gay, Fabrizio (2012), Quam maximis potest itineribus: andata e ritorno della costruzione tra immagine e modello nello spazio grafico della geometria descrittiva, in DISEGNARECON, 5(9), pp. 317-324

Barron, Stephanie, (a cura di) (1991). 'Degenerate Art:' The Fate of the Avant-Garde in Nazi Germany. Harry N. Abrams, New York.

Bignotti, Ilaria, Niccoli, Giusepe, Scheggi, Franca (2010), Paolo Scheggi , Catalogo della mostra, Galleria Niccoli, Parma, Novembre 2010 Febbraio 2011. Grafiche Damiani, Bologna.

Bucarelli, Palma, Carandente, Giovanni, Oud, Jacobus Johannes Pieter (1956), MONDRIAN, Catalogo della mostra, Galeria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna, Roma, 1956-57, Editalia, Roma.

Glendinning, Nigel (1986), La Quinta del Sordo de Goya. La casa y las pinturas negras a la luz de nueva documentación y de las fotografías de Laurent, in Revista Historia n.16, Aprile 1986, pp. 99-110.

Newhouse, Victoria (2005), Art and the Power of Placement, The Monacelli Press, New York.

Oterino, Agustín Benito (2002), La luz en la Quinta del Sordo: studio de las formas y cotidianidad, Tesi di Dottorato, Facultad de Bellas Artes, Universidad Complutense, Madrid.

Tordecillas Fernández, Carmen (1992), Las Pinturas de “La Quinta del Sordo” fotografiadas por J. Laurent , in Boletín Museo del Prado n. 31, T. XIII, pp. 57-70.



How to Cite

Ballarin, M. (2013). Survey of absence. The use of photographic data for the survey of temporary art exhibitions. DISEGNARECON, 6(12), XXI / 1–9.