Centrical plan spaces of Villa Adriana: anticipation of new aesthetics


  • Sergio Di Tondo University of Florence
  • Filippo Fantini Polytechnic of Milan




Villa Adriana, 3D laser scanner, classical archaeology, 3D modeling, texturing, geometry, architectural decoration, domes, vaults


Villa Adriana was created as a place aimed at architectural design experimentation, where the foundations for much subsequent architecture were laid: from Late Antiquity to the Baroque. In particular Hadrian wanted to exhibit in his grand palace a series of pavilions, characterized by new shapes and constructive techniques that can be considered real prototypes. Through the laser scanner survey technologies, some of these famous buildings have been analyzed and studied by means of innovative methods for representation, complemented also with an interdisciplinary collaboration with archaeologists, experts in conservation and museum curators. Some of the most significant results of this new cycle of studies, midway between new technologies and traditional research, here are exposed to ten years since their beginning.


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How to Cite

Di Tondo, S., & Fantini, F. (2012). Centrical plan spaces of Villa Adriana: anticipation of new aesthetics. DISEGNARECON, 5(9), 117–124. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.1828-5961/3159