“The city above the city”, report of a teaching experience


  • Romolo Continenza Università dell'Aquila




Drawing, Drafting, City, Lightness, Design


Theme of the experience conducted in the Architectural Drawing II course academic year 2011/2012 project workshop, at the University og L'Aquila, Engineering-Architecture degree course was to design a new mode to point out the qualities of the historical center spaces, hitten by the 2009 earthquake, to the people passing along the Aquila valley, but especially to its original inhabitants, now dispersed in city huge outskirts. Light, sound, music and light materials had to be the the project’s raw material, a way to provide an inverse perspective on the tragedy of this city, until today condemned to its social fabric crushing, due to the abandonment of its historical center. The drawings documents students adherence to the statement of Architectural project ethical aspects.


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Mattogno, Claudia (2009), “L’Aquila, riannodare i legami”, in DO.CO.MO.MO Italia giornale n. 25/2009, p. 3



How to Cite

Continenza, R. (2013). “The city above the city”, report of a teaching experience. DISEGNARECON, 6(11), 175–180. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.1828-5961/3425