Albedo decreasing trend. White cars proposal and new urban scenarios


  • Niccolò Casiddu Università di Genova
  • Saverio Giulini Università di Genova



Albedo, strategic design, urban scenarios


Global warming caused the decrease of the albedo. Emission reduction is the most widely proposed response to this problem. However simple ideas such as cool roofs and cool pavements seem successful remedies to counter the threat. However in Italy another strategy appears more effective. By changing from dark to pastel bright automotive colours a considerable increase of the albedo can be hypothesized: the effect should be from 32% to 50% of the results obtained with an extensive application of the “cool roofs” strategy. Such a proposal involves the creation of new, unexpected cityscapes. The city is a place where the perception of space changes. The car, by definition is an object in motion, but still present, sometimes redundant in the urban landscape. What will be the perceived relationship with buildings, streets, squares where the cars are all white or pastel colour?


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How to Cite

Casiddu, N., & Giulini, S. (2014). Albedo decreasing trend. White cars proposal and new urban scenarios. DISEGNARECON, 7(13), IX / 1–9.