Small towns files. Lina Bo Bardi Unbuilt


  • Francesco Maggio Università di Palermo



History, representation, modern movement


Lina Bo Bardi designed three rural settlings in Brazil; they was unbuilt but defined with clear geometric shapes: the circle and the square. The first project, in 1951, was an urban plant constituted by the same type of low-cost houses and by two ‘undefined’ buildings; the second project, in 1965, had a morphological system formed by circular lots in which, in the “astroidi” curves, were smaller circular lots; the third project is based on the principle of circular lots on which insist square shape houses. The representation, into relationship between drawing and design, offers the history and the criticism new images of cities with digital models building episodes of the architectural history.


Bo Bardi, Lina (1976), Planeamiento ambiental. Desenho no impasse, in MALASARTES, 2 (1), s.e., pp. 4-7.

Blager, Noemi (2012), Le persone al centro, Lina Bo Bardi Togheter, in

Magnago Lampugnani, Vittorio (1982), La realtà dell’immagine. Disegni di architettura nel ventesimo secolo, Edizioni di Comunità, Stoccarda.

Roque, Carlos (1983), Intrevista Lina Bo Bardi, in Interview, 63 (s.a.), s.i.p.

Heidegger, Martin (1952), Costruire abitare pensare, in Vattimo, Gianni (1976), ediz. ital., a cura di, Saggi e discorsi, Mursia, Milano, pp. 107-108 (tit. orig. Vorträge und Aufsätze).

Bo Bardi, Lina (1952), Construir è viver, in HABITAT, 7 (3), s.e., p. 4.

Gregotti, Vittorio (1991), Dentro l’architettura, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino, pp. 51-52.

Ugo, Vittorio (2004), μίμησιϛ mímēsis…, cit., p. 7.

Gallo, Antonella (2004), L’invenzione della casa, in Gallo, Antonella, a cura di, Lina Bo Bardi architetto, Marsilio, Venezia, pp.143.



How to Cite

Maggio, F. (2014). Small towns files. Lina Bo Bardi Unbuilt. DISEGNARECON, 7(13), XII / 1–10.