Integration of Computer Science Techniques for the preservation of historical memory. The case study of San Pietro Infine


  • Michela Cigola Università di Cassino
  • Assunta Pelliccio Università di Cassino



Architectural survey, GIS, historical memory, Laser Scanner


Aim of this article is a corollary of experiences with the research and 2006 PRIN PRIN 2008, who had as focus the use and development of GIS, which our group has tested at different scales and found in them a very valuable support for analysis and survey. We decided to link and connect GIS systems with laser scanner technology, tools, one to represent and the other to survey  based on the fact that both have a topologic basis [made of point, lines or polygons Therefore the research is intended to define a procedure to read as geo-referred 3D Digital Surface Models (DSM), the cloud of points generated by laser scanning, and linking, at the same time, this complex databases with the results of traditional survey techniques. The final goal is represented by the production of a unique informational interactive 3D model, representing with the maximum precision, the architectural and urban environment of concern. The case of study is the city of San Pietro Infine, an urban center of great interest, since it has been the same since it was destroyed by Allied bombing during the war


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How to Cite

Cigola, M., & Pelliccio, A. (2012). Integration of Computer Science Techniques for the preservation of historical memory. The case study of San Pietro Infine. DISEGNARECON, 5(10), 39–44.