Augmented Reality in the environment of Heritage Building


  • Gerson José de Mattos Freire Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais



stage design, ambientation, augmented reality


The placement of elements that enhance the ambiance in assets and historic sites can serve to supply evidence to a greater understanding of the events associated with these sites. The functional organization grows in importance within the historic buildings, by the need to transmit the historical context of the time and the experience associated to the experience of the place. Technical augmented reality can simplify this transmission, valuing the equity and providing them with an overview of the proposed experiments. This paper discusses the technologies available and a methodological framework for the use of Augmented Reality in the context of historical heritage.


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How to Cite

Freire, G. J. de M. (2012). Augmented Reality in the environment of Heritage Building. DISEGNARECON, 5(10), 153–162.