Cataloging, analysis and communication of urban modifications. The glimpse of the washhouse of Borgo Solestà in Ascoli Piceno from the art collection of Giulio Gabrielli
Cultural Heritage, analysis and documentation, 3D scene, edutainment and infotainment, immersive visualization.Abstract
The detection of forms of growth in the use of the Cultural Heritage by the a large community, has established, in its valorisation process, the need of characterising the intent of popularising the knowledge, with methods able to set involving communication channels and more comprehensible contents. As regard to this picture and in occasion of a collaboration with the Pinacoteca Civica of Ascoli Piceno, the contribution intends to relate to the results of some studies oriented to investigate the opportunity of reading the transformation happened in the ‘800s of some urban glimpses of Ascoli Piceno, through the artistic production of the painter Giulio Gabrielli from Ascoli. Starting from a traditional work of analysis, cataloging and comparison of iconography and historic cartography, aimed at verifying the reliability of the urban modifications depicted by the artist, the process ended up investigating the opportunities offered by the technological methods of 3D animation, directed to the communication of such documentary value.References
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