Integrated Information Systems


  • Annika Moscati Università La Sapienza di Roma



GIS, AIS, Web, Topology, 3D Models, Cultural Heritage


Currently in the field of management, enhancement, territory and cultural heritage analysis, two types of information systems offer significant tools: GIS (Geographic Information System) and AIS (Architectural Information System). The first one manages urban and territorial scale data, the second one administers architectural scale data. For a complete management and analysis of heritage both scales (territorial-urban and architectural) are essential. But despite numerous attempts made in recent years, currently no system is really able to manage them simultaneously. This study aims to create a hybrid system, which is a new interface that allows to simultaneously view an AIS, a GIS and a window for management of spatial queries. Considering the profound differences between the two systems, the ultimate goal is to integrate them by proposing a new Hybrid System (HS) to solve the problem of scale change (from analysis to synthesis) using a new data structure and a new interface. To achieve the ultimate goal it has been studied mainly: a) the possibilities of implementation of the two systems; b) spatial analysis and 3D topology.


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How to Cite

Moscati, A. (2012). Integrated Information Systems. DISEGNARECON, 5(10), 249–254.