The role of descriptive geometry in graphic design


  • Stefano Chiarenza University of Naples Federico II



graphic communication, graphic design. image, projective geometry, descriptive geometry, homological transformations


Frequently it has been discussed the role of descriptive geometry in the process of analysis and configuration of architecture, recognizing it an unquestioned even in the information age. Less investigated is rather the role of this discipline in the graphic design, a field in which the image is the essence of communication.
Then, in the image definition, especially when this must become part of a multi-directional communication the contribution of the geometry seems crucial.
This paper, on the basis of the teaching and research experience specifically oriented to graphic design, intends to highlight the deep connections between the structuring of the graphic image (lettering, corporate image, brand image, product image etc.) and the projective and descriptive geometry.


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How to Cite

Chiarenza, S. (2012). The role of descriptive geometry in graphic design. DISEGNARECON, 5(9), 245–254.