Quam maximis potest itineribus: return trip from image to model in construction within the graphic space of descriptive geometry


  • Matteo Ballarin IUAV Venice
  • Fabrizio Gay IUAV Venezia




photo-modeling, drawing didactics, SketchUp, architectural and territorial survey


The contribution examines a joint didactic strategy for architectural survey, descriptive geometry and digital drawing as a sort of return trip from image to solid model. Starting with basic photogrammetry and photo modeling processes, via freeware softwares, topographic techniques are exploited within a Monge methodology. The representational goal is the achievement of a single solid model from a manual survey; the didactic process ends in tabular and orthogonal representation of models thus obtained.


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How to Cite

Ballarin, M., & Gay, F. (2012). Quam maximis potest itineribus: return trip from image to model in construction within the graphic space of descriptive geometry. DISEGNARECON, 5(9), 317–324. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.1828-5961/3181