Representing the environment 3.0. Maps, models, networks.


  • Letizia Bollini Università di Milano-Bicocca



Web 3.0, User experience design, User interface design, Geo-based representation


Web 3.0 is changing the world we live and perceive the environment anthropomorphized, making a stratifation of levels of experience and mediated by the devices. If the urban landscape is designed, shaped and planned space, there is a social landscape that overwrite the territory of values, representations shared images, narratives of personal and collective history. Mobile technology introduces an additional parameter, a kind of non-place, which allows the coexistence of the here and elsewhere in an sort of digital landscape. The maps, mental models, the system of social networks become, then, the way to present, represented and represent themselves in a kind of ideal coring of the co-presence of levels of physical, cognitive and collective space.


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How to Cite

Bollini, L. (2014). Representing the environment 3.0. Maps, models, networks. DISEGNARECON, 7(13), XIX / 1–7.